Madness has to stay epic!!
Hey there Krinkels
Well as always I like your unique style, the music and the athmosphere BUT:
There are a few points to say:
First of all I somehow miss those little and funny ideas.. I think they more and more get lost.
Im speaking of ideas like the sunguy in one of your films.. and when the protagonist kills him everything turned dark. I liked those Ideas.
Also I liked this mistirous athmosphere.. there was always someone watching this, the main characters somehow always escaped from death, strange things happened and these messages that appeared to finally show how mad the world around them had become.... I totally dug that ...but after that..... well i think u somehow crushed what you built up.
From the first movie people were able to see some kind of developement.. you began to learn that some characters cant die.. you began to learn that strange things happen there..then everything turnet more and more mad and then when the clown began to shake in this strange manner and everything around them began to look like some sick videogame it was something like the higligth of everything.
And until this point i got more and more excited about whats behind this.. because everything seemed to be more than it looks like. But then the story just went on ... no explanation.. no conclusion.. you know that killed ALL the strange and crazy mood and i think it also took away the possibility to take it serious.
The flash still is good. But i so badly wished for some kind of story that builds a closing circle if you know what i mean.
Maybe just figting and mutilating was most important when you startet this all off... but now you startet something that you HAVE to finish i think.
And just adding new people and new guys that still do all the same turns it in some kind of dragonball z madness.... you know? after they went to namek all figths were the same.. they became boring... please dont let it come that far.
at least build something in for people to guess.
I think your series is worth some story.. not just random things happening around the fights...
please consider this.
i think im not the only one that totally dug this atmosphere in your movies.
And also this growing tension has to be released somehow or it'll soon turn into boredom because nobody sees any sense anymoe.
so i appeal to you to not turn it into a series that stays on the same level all the time.
I know many people here will now vote my review as NOT helpful because i said something negative about this flash as you did with others before but still i think reviews are made for telling your opinion.
I'll give it a 6 because it still is good flash and figths, people and surroundings are well made, but not more because nothing in the plot really developed in any clear direction and after i saw the other episodes so often the figths became a bit boring
I hope to hear some responses on this by you krinkels :)